Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year, New You

As we all have probably figured out, the world did not end. We have seen the winter equinox, made it to Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, and Christmas brunch with the family. So the only natural progression of the year is the celebratory night for the end of one 12 month period. It's a time to get dressed up, drink some champagne, and kiss that special someone at midnight. Or, if you were like me for most of my life, it is a time to order Chinese food, plant yourself in front of the television with your family, and watch Dick Clark count down the last seconds of the year [side note- this year will be SO different...Let's all hope and pray Ryan Seacrest doesn't mess up Dick's legacy...]. 

But it is also time for those stereotypical resolutions. I have tried to do them in the past. But by March or early April I have succumb to my older ways. Lose those five pounds, how about gain an extra seven... I will NOT eat after 7pm, how about 10pm... Or even, I will read more critically acclaimed novels, nope pack on the three 50 Shades of Grey books...

Have there been glimpses of success? Absolutely! But as unfortunate as this sounds, it usually involves monetary objects. Save up some money for that new iPod or those pair of designer jeans, or even for that mini vacation I am planning for mid-June. Very rarely do I make it to next December saying, "Yes! I cared about others more than myself," or "I changed that one part of me that seems to belittle others," or even "I did volunteer my time for the betterment of mankind..." 

Ok, yes, I am a new grad with less than a year's professional work experience under my belt... But that shouldn't be an excuse...Should it? This year is going to be a year for new beginnings... New job, my first year away from home in my new apartment, and a new outlook on life. (I swear being independent does that to you...). So yes, I will try to weaken my sweet and salty tooth. I will try to continue to work out 3-4 times a week. And I will try to save money by cooking more. But I will also take time for self-improvement. One hour a day (I can wake up an hour earlier right?) dedicated to myself, self-reflection and personal growth. I will try and use tools like self-help books (some of these are really informative... Not just a huge cliche) and the bible. I will take time for me to really figure out who I am and how I can better attain my personal goals. 

So that was my resolution word dump... I hope yours are a little more organized... ;-) Here's to 2013!!

(From the coolest tumblr I've seen... Aesthetic Approach...)
I love the metaphor of snow, a clean slate!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Looking Up

Looking up in New Hampshire after Hurricane Sandy, 2012
What a phrase... It's been used as a title for Michael J. Fox's book, "Things are Looking Up," described the behavior of the most powerful "super man" in the comic book world, and even featured in song lyrics like Selena's "Dreaming." But let's break it down for a second... The word "looking" implies the use of eyes to view something or someone. It requires one of our five senses, the sense of sight. Second, the word "up" gives the notion of something taller, bigger, or above a designated subject. Together this phrase can have multiple meanings.

It can have a literal meaning. "Joe was looking up into the eyes of a giant bear." Physically, Joe's head was tilted back to look up into the eyes of the bear which stood taller than he. Many of us look up to see things, whether it is to see a bird flying in the sky, a street sign, or, in my case, a friend that is taller than 5'5". We all have eyes that are positioned in the middle of our head; we have to look up to see anything above our heads. And if we never looked up, odds are we would never see the magnificent height of trees in a forest, the looming buildings of a cityscape, or the beauty of a flying bird.

"Looking up" can also have metaphorical meanings. Many times it is used to describe the behavior of someone who has recently experienced a traumatic or upsetting event. This could be a death in the family, the loss of a job, or even a bad grade in school. The most common response to one of these events, "Keep looking up," or "Keep your chin up. It will all get better." In this situation, "looking up" refers to keeping positive. Move forward, as hard as it may be. Stay confident, things can and will get better. In this type of situation, a negative situation produces positive support. The phrase used in this way needs a negative event to happen first. "Looking up," then, can have some negative connotations attached to it.

However, it can also have positive connotations when used with metaphorical meaning. Life may not necessarily be on the downward turn for you to start "looking up." Growth, change, opportunity. Dreaming of bigger and better things. "Looking up" can mean wanting more...

This is why I am currently "looking up." I have a great life; I have a job with great coworkers, a wonderful family, gracious friends, a caring and supportive boyfriend who loves me, and I'm living in a city which has been a dream of mine since the age of 5. Yet, I am looking up. I feel like I'm in a rut. I feel like I'm ready for a change. I'm ready for a challenge. I may not know what it is just yet, but I'm dreaming and hoping that it's one I can grow from.

So here's to looking up, growing, and knowing your full potential. Have faith that things will get better, that you will grow in the areas of your life that you feel are lacking. And never be afriad to look up and see thosee birds flying above your head...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

This morning, I went horseback riding on some of the Sudbury Valley Trustee land with a co-worker. I had to wake up at 5AM on a Sunday...Yes, I wanted to go that badly. She lives in Wayland, Massachusetts which borders the trustee land. It was spectacular, something only the good Lord could create. The land was truly indescribable. Untouched, unscathed, yet so well maintained. As we were galloping through the open fields and trotting up the steep hills, I felt even more connected to the beauty of this world. There is something so powerful and invigorating breathing in the air atop a horse. It's heaven on earth.

(Photo from Jill Kern via
This activity came at the end of a great weekend full of community service, time with family and friends, football games, puppies and ponies, celebrations with my boyfriend of one year, and Christmas preparations. It was the first time that I had completed all of this while in on my own. All of these activities have new meaning now that I am independent. I have been feeling so organized and somewhat stressed trying to balance all of the new responsibilities that come with moving out of your parents' home. Yet, this hour ride was such a renewing experience; moving through the trees, none of these things seemed to matter. All that mattered was the breathing of the horse and matching my slight twitching of my hands with the pressure in my legs. This meditative moment made me thankful for EVERYTHING else, even the stress...

I hope your Thanksgiving was full of family, friends, and fun. It is my hope that this feeling of renewal was felt by you as well, in whatever way that was appropriate for you! Now, it's time for those Christmas carols! 30 days and counting!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


This is one my favorite days of the year! Today, one of my co-workers is voting for the first time at the age of thirty; she recently became a citizen this past month. After living in this country legally since the age of two, Iliana's eyes welled up as she told the story of her interview process. After she went through her rigorous questioning, the interviewer asked her if she had any questions about becoming a citizens. Her only question, "How do I register to vote?" She explained that her interviewer was stunned and he began to cry...

It is important. It does matter. Value it! Get out there and do it! Despite your political affiliations, beliefs or associations, this is a right that we Americans should be proud to have...


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I'm Back! And I'm Another Year Older...

Another year wiser...hopefully. Yesterday was my birthday. So in all of my birthday spirit, I am reminiscing. There were some major milestones and goals that I accomplished this past year. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, I started along the path of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"... Or in other words the "American Dream." In case you didn't know, I LOVE making lists. And this post is much of the same, a list of what this last year has brought me, and what I hope to do in the coming 12 months.

Life: I started a new chapter in my life this year with some key milestones. First, I graduated from college and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Communication. (Yippie!) I was offered, and took, my first job in the Communication industry. (Whoop!) Second, I found love. Real love for the first time in my life. (aww...) Phil and I have been together for eleven months. For both of us, it is our first real relationship. There are major learning curves, but I finally know what it feels like to have someone love my strengths and my weaknesses. I know what it feels like to put someone else above my independence. It's not hard, but I'm working at it... And last but not least, as of last week I got my first place. (FREEDOM!) I will be renting an apartment with two of my best friends from college, Michelle and Emma! It's in a great location and it is some place that I can call my own. It feels good to know that I will be starting my own life...Leading me to liberty.
Liberty: This past year, I have taken control of many aspects of my life. I found my own job that I would not have been offered if I didn't pursue an internship with them the year before. I have found my own way to get to this job, which is located 50 miles from my house right now. I took over payments for my cellphone, car insurance, credit card, and student loans. And I have found my own place to live, like I said before. But, at the risk of sounding cliché at using this quote to describe my humble situation, "with freedom comes responsibly" (I can't help myself...I'm a sucker for Eleanor). And this concept scares me to no end. I'm a planner and this is something I can't plan. I am going to have to relax, let go, and carry on. Above all, I have to be positive about what lies ahead, knowing that this is going to make me happy...

Pursuit of Happiness: All of these decisions, milestones, and goals all mean nothing if I'm not happy. I have never been a money hog; it is not what drives my decisions. It is an important part of my life, but it is not the only part of my life. I am not driven by popularity. I have opinions and as many of my closest friends and family know, I am not afraid to share them respectfully, whether or not this is the majority's opinion. I am driven by a need to do what I think is right. I want to make myself happy, but I also feel that it is important to not make others miserable. I feel that I was put here to help others and make a difference, which is why I am working at a local non-profit raising money to fund local programming providing life saving breast cancer screenings, education services, and follow-up care. I am moving to a Boston neighborhood to satisfy my love affair with the old historic city.

My beautiful cupcake from Crumbs Bakery
So I will keep you updated on my life...I'm sure I will have many ups and downs which I will love writing about. Stay tuned, adapting is soon to come!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Working Hard...

I know I haven't blogged in almost two weeks. You can call me a slacker. But considering that I work at a nonprofit promoting breast cancer research and proper breast health during the official breast cancer awareness month (October), I am BUSY. All I have time for right now is this explanation .. But just think about everything I will have to say when my work load slows down...

In the mean time, this quote from the great St. Francis Assisi will have to suffice. To accompany this quote, I included a photo taken by yours truly. One of the events I worked last week was at the State House in Boston. When the run of show concluded, I took a walk. In all of the years that I lived so close to the State House, I had never been inside. If you are ever in Boston, be sure to check it out. The architecture is unimaginable. And I have a feeling Assisi's quote may have subconsciously manifested:

“Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

The stained glass ceiling at the Boston State House

Monday, September 24, 2012

Boots, Scarves, and Pumpkin Spiced Lattes

Courtesy of Mack's Apples in Londonderry, NH

It’s that time of year again, my favorite time of year. Fall! I celebrated this weekend by apple picking with my boyfriend, Phil (see his picture above...) I ceremoniously wore my boots to work today, I just couldn’t help myself! This is the season for apples and pumpkins, costumes and scarves. I usually go into hibernation mode, eating apple crisp, apple pie, and apple tarts all while caring less about the calories and fat content. Bring it on!
Autumn. Who can resist the mixture of cool and warm temperatures? Perfect for drinking a cup of coffee outside on the porch or sipping a glass of wine on the back patio… The mornings are cool and the afternoons, mild. It’s the perfect running season, which makes me more than happy (no longer do I have to worry about sweating profusely or not being able to breathe correctly due to the extra moisture in the air). These spectacular temperatures are caused by the Earth non-tilt; fall is characterized by an equinox, when Earth is neither tilted toward nor away from the Sun. (Yup, you can call me Sheldon…). Our equator is in perfect line with the Sun.

The weather that is created from this non-tilt creates instances when a light jacket and an accent scarf are not only considered fashionable but serve a purpose, especially here in New England. I love wearing a sweatshirt on a Sunday afternoon watching my beloved New England Patriots plow their opponents (more recently choke, but it’s early in the season people…don’t lose hope!). This behavior only feels right in September, October, and November. (I know that the football season extends into winter, but watching a game at Gillette is so much better when you don’t have to don 16 layers of clothing…)
Now, I know that Spring is supposed to be a time of new beginnings, but for some reason I feel this renewal in Fall. The world changes, from a world of green and luscious plants to a dreamscape of bright colors. Most trees release chemicals causing their leaves to change, chemicals that only exist when the weather changes from sweltering to cool. Yes, the leaves may fall off the trees, but it makes way for new life, new beginnings. It rids itself of the old and paves way for the new.

So here’s to a new beginning. Enjoy the weather fellow New Englanders! Buy a pumpkin spiced latte. Wear those boots proudly. And know that life keeps moving, changing, closing doors to one season and opening others to different opportunities, positive changes and exciting prospects. Here’s to Fall!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


On this eleventh anniversary of this somber day, I am dedicating this post to remembrance. This day, exactly eleven years ago, I was laying in my bed thinking. It had been a day of confusion...I felt lost and scared and alone. I remember I was in sixth grade, sitting in what was supposed to be the block I had Spanish. A guidance counselor was telling us the most up-to-date information about the attacks, waiting for us to ask questions. I was nervous. What if I had family flying that day? My Nana was in Las Vegas trying to get home... Was she involved in any way?

After hearing that my Nana was safe in Las Vegas, I watched the news with my parents. I stared at the images of firefighters rummaging through steaming piles of scrap metal. It was had to believe that it was once intricately welded into some of the tallest buildings in the world. It was amazing to me; something so strong and so tall reduced to dust in a matter of minutes. How would we ever recover?

But we did. We became stronger. Our true colors shone, bright and true. Red, white and blue unfading, not running. We fought and we decided to rebuild. These actions and values are what built this country:  dedication, determination, pride and freedom. Two-hundred years later these are still present in each and every one of us. At the end of the day, even in this recession, we are proud of this country and happy to live within these boarders.

So tonight I thank those physically fighting overseas for our country; you are so brave and I owe my freedoms to you. My heart and prayers are with those who lost family members eleven years ago. You are always in our hearts. Always remember. Always.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chick Flicks...

Last night, I was totally "girlie"... And how did I classify this notion you ask? Well, I did my nails. Yup, that's right. For the first time in about a month my nails are perfectly rounded, not too long or short, and are rocking a taupe-mauve polish--perfect for the "professional world."

And as if this was not "girlie" enough, I also reveled in the sounds and images of a good ol' fashion chick-flick...Younger versions of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan starring in one of my favorites, Sleepless in Seattle. The perfectly witty film about a lonely, young, widower (Hanks), his caring and over concerned son, and the hopeful woman destined to make their lives complete (Ryan).

Now I'm not going to get into the unrealistic plot or the daring decision to place this winter love-story in one of the gloomiest cities in the United States. That would be too much and quite frankly ruin the happiness that I felt after watching the ending. I want to talk everything that Sleepless in Seattle is:

This film is a classic. I think it is fair to say that a majority of Americans have seen this film, or at least heard the title being thrown around in conversation. Classic scenes, like when Annie peels the skin of an apple in one long strip (coincidentally--or not--coinciding with Sam's favorite qualities about his late wife), are heat-warming to any woman in America.

The cast of A-list actors is one of the best collaborations of our time: Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Rosie O'Donnell, Rita Wilson, Bill Pullman, David Hyde Pierce, etc., etc.. An Affair to Remember is strategically integrated throughout the film to reinforce the destiny of the two main characters. It is the home of countless memorable lines, some of which can't help but make you swoon or giggle:

"Now that was when people KNEW how to be in love. They knew it! Time, distance... nothing could separate them because they knew. It was right. It was real. It was..."- Annie Reed

"I am NOT going to New York to meet some woman who could be a crazy, sick lunatic! Didn't you see Fatal Attraction?" - Sam Baldwin

I love the feeling this chick-flick film gives me. In fact I am a fan of this genre in general. Most may be sappy and lack some genius writing (whether or not this film did is debatable). But they give a girl hope. Hope that love (not just for a partner) can be found, even in the most unlikely of circumstances. Hope in the magic of destiny. Hope in the existence of happiness. And hope that one of these days, my nails are actually something worth least while watching a chick-flick.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gotta Love the...

...nice cool breeze today. It's a small glimpse into my favorite season...Fall or Autumn depending on how politically correct you would like to be... But there was no better feeling on my bike ride this morning than this same cool breeze cooling me down as I huffed up the three hills on my route.

Today on my commute into Boston, we passed the two of the newer wind turbines on route 93. These huge structures serve a purpose; they are a clean way of collecting renewable energy for consumers in the suberbs of this historical Massachusetts city. To some they may be ugly strcutures, defiling the Boston skyline. To me they give me hope that we, as a society, are opening our minds to new and innovative ideas; today the turning of the blades gave me hope that things will continue to turn, move and change.

Last night I was a little down in the dumps. Just one of those moods. I was a little upset that my plans to go for a bike ride with a friend were canceled. And this lead to feelings of discouragement at the fact that I was still living at home. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and am so thankful that they let me come home after I graduated college. I just saw myself living in Boston if I had a job there. And I'm not...A girl can get sad every now and again right?

But this windmill on my way to work this morning opened my keeps going, moving, changing. It creates different expereinces, memories, and energies. And I need to stop thinking about how my "life plan" isn't playing out like I thought it would. I need to float, be flexable, move with the changing winds. Stay positive, stay strong, and keep the hope that I've had all my life; everything will work out!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Your Mission...

"Be so busy loving your life you have no time for hate, regret or fear."
- Karen Salmansohn,

Follow her blog... It's spectacular and so helpful!

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Life-Long Dream...

This week I was a stalker. Yup, that's right. I was a full-fledged, Facebook-creeping, blog digging psychopath. And not with an old crush or ex-friend, with someone I barely know...

When I was a freshman in high school, there was this older senior. She was a star basketball player and wanted to study Communication. Yet, she did what many from my small town are scared to do; she left. And not just go away to college, but full on took the world by storm. She went to school in California, did a semester at sea, traveled the world. Now she is living her dream, working for one of the top women's magazines in New York City. As an outsider looking in, she is living her dream; she has surpassed her goals and seems to have found something we all strive for, happiness. 

Sifting through all of her posts on her blog, I came to the realization. I must, need and most of all want to travel. By seeing the world, my former schoolmate was able to find out who she was and what she wanted out of life... I feel stuck...I have a job with people that I love, working to make a change in my local community... But what else is out there? What am I missing out on? 

As a result, here's my list. The top 10 places I want to visit. Absorb. Touch and be touched by the cultures and the sights. These are by no means in an order of attainability. Just the top 10 places that intrigue me:

1.  Petra, Jordan
2.  London, England
3.  Tuscany, Italy
4.  Grand Canyon
5.  Botswana
6.  Bermuda
7.  Panama Canal
8.  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
9.  Santorini, Greece
10. Great Wall of China

It's a random list yes, but a girl can dream can't she?

1910 Map of the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday, August 18, 2012

One of My Favorite Women...

For those who know me well, you are aware of what I am about to say. I had magazine covers and spreads hanging on my college dorm walls all four of my undergraduate years. In middle school and high school, my friends and I would try to perfect her booty pop. She is still a consistent presence in my six-disk CD changer in my '05 Pontiac G6 and will always be one of my favorite ringtones.

Beyonce has to be my favorite celebrity. I love her music, her confidence, her ability to make her private life private and the way she holds humanitarian work so close to her heart. When she sets her mind to something, she will complete it. She is a great business women and at the end of the day seems to put her family and friends before her work. I have heard her say countless times that she is in the music industry because she not only loves music, but wants to make a difference in someone's life. I hope for the same one day...but I have a feeling Beyonce is completing this dream on a much larger scale.

Any way, in this drastic change from college student to young professional, I use her music as a tool. If I am having a rough day at work I will listen to one of her most popular tracks with Destiny's Child, "Survivor" to give me a confidence boost. If I am in a care-free state of mind one of her newest singles, "Love On Top" will be blasted in my car with the windows down. And any time I need a good laugh at work, the "Single Ladies" SNL skit with Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, and Any Samberg will be viewed during my lunch break. Nothing better than grown men in tight black leotards!

Either way if you have not already seen her video of "I Was Here" that premiered this past week please feel free to take the next couple of minutes and watch...You will not be disappointed!

"I was here, I lived, I loved..."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fresh Flowers, Fresh Hope

I have this obsession with flowers. I tend to buy them every other week at a farm in town. I do love the stereotypical favorites like roses, daffodils, or daises. But when it comes down to it, I am in love with all flowers. Peonies, violets, sunflowers, hydrangeas, even the dandelions (I know they are weeds, but I can't help it!). I feel a special connection to flowers... Some people may have bad memories with flowers; they are one of the most common gifts for the loss of a loved one and usually present at funerals... Others may not see the value in them; what purpose do they actually serve? Here is what they do for me...

Their spectacular earthy smell, the unbeatable splash of color in any room, and their elegant structure are some of the most common reasons for flowers being present in a home. For me, they serve as hope and simplicity. Coming into a room and seeing flowers immediately puts me at ease. These blossoms, which were previously growing on a larger stem and plant, are still beautiful. They hold their shape even though they are no longer connected to their root system. In some cases, they keep blooming for days and days. How is this possible? They are not receiving any more nutrients from their roots, other than a vase of water. They receive minimal sun, only that of artificial lights or the rays sneaking through windows. No insects (hopefully) will grace their petals and leaves. Essentially they are dying, their lives shortly coming to an end. Yet, they are still so magnificently beautiful....

The world these flowers knew is over as they knew it, yet they still blossom, bloom, and keep their fragrance. They display their beauty to the world around them showing just what they are made of. They are stripped down to nothing and they still shine. They don't know that their world is over, or if they do, they don't let the world know it... I want to be like a flower and seeing them gives me hope. Even in my darkest days, I want to bloom. I may see the end of the road that I am traveling on, but I will not act like it. I will hold my values and beliefs close to me while blossoming all along the way. I will be a flower for the world to see, be positive and strong through the ugliness of the world. Hold true to who I am, simple, a bud waiting to show its true colors!

 So buy flowers for people who are important to you with these thoughts in mind. Buy flowers for those that you may not like, it may brighten their day and give them hope... It would work on me!

(All photos were taken by Sarah Viafora.)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Batman! Spider-man! Why NOW?

I think we can all recognize these two theme songs. The man in a black bat suit and the young teenage boy in a blue and red spandex onesie. Both of them using their power of flying and superhuman strength to save their respective cities. Both of these characters extremely popular on the silver screen today...


But I want to pose the question, why are these films being made now? Starting in 2000, there have been over 50 films making over ten million dollars at the box office, many of them pulling in more than one-hundred million dollars. It is easy to say that these film attract audiences. The old and young, the geeky teen and businessman. More than likely if someone were to ask you who your favorite superhero was, you would pull from the films you've seen or comics you've read and answer. But why now?

I don't know if Marvel Comics is just really good at marketing their superheros or if DC Comics hit the lottery having Christopher Nolan direct the "man in black." Either way there is no denying that these films are hugely successful right now. Even the not-so-well made movies with weird plot points, 2011's Green Lantern or this year's sequel Ghost Rider:  Spirit of Vengeance, were successful. So why now? Why can these films be shoddily made and still rake in millions? How come this was not the case in the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's? Why is there an influx now? Is this the movie industry's strategy of trying to make as much money as they can in the dying age of theaters?

Here's my take. People want change. They want hope that someone out there can change their community for the better, especially in the world's economic state. Yes, the actors, special effects, and directing are impeccable. But at the end of the day, don't we all wish we were doing more with our lives? I know I wish I had the nerve to stand up for others being bullied, or stop a robber, or even stand in the way of a bullet. But I don't....So I'm posing an answer. We like to see people rise above the world portrayed in these films, which is some cases is eerily close to our own (you can ignore the pun involving this weekend's Batman film).

So go out and support your favorite superhero. Love them all just the same. Vicariously live through them. And if you are brave enough, take something from these films out into the real world with you. Be brave, be bold, and do what ever a spider can, if you see fit...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Full on Dancing

Like the majority of Americans who pay attention to movies and the actors that appear in them, I am infatuated with Emma Stone. When I saw her on the cover of Vogue this past week, I could resit picking it up, flipping through the pages memorized by her couture outfits. Needless to say, I bought it.

On my way to work this week (I take the bus into Boston every day from my home in New Hampshire), I read and absorbed every detail of the interview. What really caught my eye was something she "borrowed" from fellow actor (and in  my opinion, one of the most promising actors in Hollywood today) Ryan Gosling...
"Picking roles is like listening to songs the radio:  there can be a lot of really great songs in a row, but then one comes on that just makes you want to dance."- Stone via Heller, 75.
Yes, this was in reference to how she picked her slew of non-comedic roles this past year. She rose to stardom in hilariously, witty roles like Jules in the wild party-planning film Superbad, Olive in classically inspired Easy A, and Hannah in the dryly humorous House Bunny. She stated that her most recent roles, including Skeeter in The Help and Gwen from this summer blockbuster The Amazing Spider-Man made her "dance." She saw these characters as empowered women, something she personally respected and roles that may not have fit what she was known for in the world of movies.

Yet I think this mind set is perfect for new grads out there. We just spent two, four or more years of our lives, spending extreme amounts of money, and learning about the world under one specific umbrella. But for what? Where will it lead us and how will we know what job is best for us? Will we ever reach the level of success we believe we can reach?

According to Emma (whose real name is Emily, who knew?) and Ryan, we can only be "successful" if we choose the jobs that make us want to dance. Not sway or bob your head. Full on DANCE!

I know this is how I made the decision for my current job. I work for an affiliate of a national nonprofit. I wanted to help people, make a difference in my city, state, community, the world. Helping people made me happy, made my work worth it. It made me dance.

So dance people! Find that job that makes you want to shake that booty. Fist pump until the cows come home. Grapevine into the future. It is possible to love what you do, but only if we follow Stone and Gosling's advice and find that job that makes you want to dance.

Emma Stone

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So You Think You Can Write? Prove It...

The current news about the American economy is not exactly what one would call uplifting.  In fact it is usually downright pathetic.  No one denies that; especially the newest graduating college classes.  As a communication student, I feel that I am no different.  Looking into the future, friends and family want to know the number one concern regarding my entry into the job market.  To every person I answer—how to separate myself in an applicant pool of hundreds of other new-grads and qualified unemployed individuals who have work experience.  

My past internship at Komen MA, I asked my supervisor, the Director of Marketing Communications, this question.  I was expecting an answer involving versatility, knowledge about emerging technologies, or personal and professional charisma; her answer surprised me.  “Go back to the basics.  No one can ignore a really good writer.”  For the next few months this is what I did:  wrote emails, crafted social media posts, composed formal letters to public officials, created posters that included key Komen messaging, developed a script for their biggest fundraiser of the year, generated participant surveys, etc.  Needless to say, my writing skills have developed.  
Do I think this is the only skill that you need to get a job in today’s economy?  By all means, that is not what I was inferring.  Being able to effectively verbalize messages, inhabiting a personality and a professional attitude, and versatility are all important skills to companies who are hiring.  However, a really good, well-developed set of writing skills can almost guarantee a position somewhere in some industry.

This being said, Endicott should really include classes that are strictly writing-designated within the marketing communication concentration.  This way most of the students in the class can practice tailoring messages to different audiences.  I think a speech class should also be included in the curriculum; hopefully this will ensure comfort when speaking to a group of people or an individual.  Another major part of any current job in marketing communication is knowledge of the current social media; a class on this should also be required of students.  

Yet, in the end, nothing can take away the importance of real world, actual work experience.  This is where I learned a majority of my current communications skills; nothing can take the place of this learning environment.

This was written for a college class I took last year... It truly does encompass what I believe in this industry in this day in age... I had to start with this!