Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year, New You

As we all have probably figured out, the world did not end. We have seen the winter equinox, made it to Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, and Christmas brunch with the family. So the only natural progression of the year is the celebratory night for the end of one 12 month period. It's a time to get dressed up, drink some champagne, and kiss that special someone at midnight. Or, if you were like me for most of my life, it is a time to order Chinese food, plant yourself in front of the television with your family, and watch Dick Clark count down the last seconds of the year [side note- this year will be SO different...Let's all hope and pray Ryan Seacrest doesn't mess up Dick's legacy...]. 

But it is also time for those stereotypical resolutions. I have tried to do them in the past. But by March or early April I have succumb to my older ways. Lose those five pounds, how about gain an extra seven... I will NOT eat after 7pm, how about 10pm... Or even, I will read more critically acclaimed novels, nope pack on the three 50 Shades of Grey books...

Have there been glimpses of success? Absolutely! But as unfortunate as this sounds, it usually involves monetary objects. Save up some money for that new iPod or those pair of designer jeans, or even for that mini vacation I am planning for mid-June. Very rarely do I make it to next December saying, "Yes! I cared about others more than myself," or "I changed that one part of me that seems to belittle others," or even "I did volunteer my time for the betterment of mankind..." 

Ok, yes, I am a new grad with less than a year's professional work experience under my belt... But that shouldn't be an excuse...Should it? This year is going to be a year for new beginnings... New job, my first year away from home in my new apartment, and a new outlook on life. (I swear being independent does that to you...). So yes, I will try to weaken my sweet and salty tooth. I will try to continue to work out 3-4 times a week. And I will try to save money by cooking more. But I will also take time for self-improvement. One hour a day (I can wake up an hour earlier right?) dedicated to myself, self-reflection and personal growth. I will try and use tools like self-help books (some of these are really informative... Not just a huge cliche) and the bible. I will take time for me to really figure out who I am and how I can better attain my personal goals. 

So that was my resolution word dump... I hope yours are a little more organized... ;-) Here's to 2013!!

(From the coolest tumblr I've seen... Aesthetic Approach...)
I love the metaphor of snow, a clean slate!

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