Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"What We Call the Beginning... often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
-T.S. Eliot

Here is a fun fact about me. I don't like saying goodbyes. In any way, shape, or form. I try my best to avoid them... And today is my last full day at my first job. And I am dreading saying goodbye. I will miss the friendships I created here, the working environment. The great experiences I have cultivated first hand, the mistakes I have made. But I felt the need to move on, which resulted in my taking of a new job at a much bigger business. While only about a mile from my current office, I am still moving. Different roles and responsibilities, different location in my beloved Boston, different industry... I am leaving the non-profit industry, at least for now (I do still dream of coming back to this industry. Helping people is one of my passions!). But I have to learn and grow. I need to learn more about marketing and PR. I feel the need to grow, but I hate saying goodbye...

So I turn to my man, T.S.Eliot. There are such words of wisdom in his pieces...Above he states that in order to have a new beginning, many times it leads to an end, or a goodbye. But goodbyes do not have to be goodbyes; they can be welcomes, or hellos, or even a see you later. So embrace the endings in your life. See the light through the clouds (see the picture below...sometimes I amaze myself with my past experiences and how essential they are). Know that many things are only possible from taking chances and leaving your comfort zone.

So thank you to my Komen MA family. I have loved working with you and look forward to our paths crossing again in the future. And hello to my next adventure. It will be different, but oh-so exciting. I am counting on that!
Sitka, Alaska

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