Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bon A Petiet

Many people love Fridays. Who wouldn't? It's finally the weekend. We look forward to two full days of freedom. No nose-to-the-grind mentality. No reporting to the clock. No worries. And I am one of these people. But do not mistaken my love for adoration. I adore Sundays. Cherish them. This one day is what you may call the "holy grail" of my week.

I don't really know why I like this day so much. It could be because this was the day that my family set aside to be together. Or maybe it was because I always woke up early on this day to go to church. Or it could be because my favorite sport is played on this day during the year (football of course!). No matter the reason my earliest memories of Sundays all involve food. Yup, that delicious home-cooked meal that my Mom or Nana would make. Oh the stews, roasted turkey, meatballs, and casseroles. The burgers, potatoes,  pork roasts, and chicken cacciatore. How I love that food...

Since moving out of my house, I have missed those meals and thus came to a conclusion. I have decided to dedicate this day to cooking. Food-prep for the week. Baking. Roasting. Sauteing. I just want to make that Sunday dinner I so looked forward to while living at home. Recently, I have shared the few meals I have made on Sunday with my roommates and loving boyfriend. I love cooking for others and my love of "food Sundays."

I find these meals delectable. Recently, I have made rosemary chicken with asparagus and sauteed potatoes and some veggie pasta dish. But today I'm trying something new. Starting today, I want to make some of those home-cooked meals like the ones my Mom makes (yes, she still cooks Sunday dinner for everyone who is home). This week it will be Beef Stroganoff with Mustard Brussels Sprouts. I am looking forward to this new Sunday activity. It's a great end to my favorite day...

I am thinking I will post pictures of my creations for you all to see and feel free to leave suggestions. Until then, I will use the French phrase made popular by the queen of television cooking herself, Julia Child. "Bon A Petiet" and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Quick and Easy Beef Stroganoff from Cooking Light

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