Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fresh Flowers, Fresh Hope

I have this obsession with flowers. I tend to buy them every other week at a farm in town. I do love the stereotypical favorites like roses, daffodils, or daises. But when it comes down to it, I am in love with all flowers. Peonies, violets, sunflowers, hydrangeas, even the dandelions (I know they are weeds, but I can't help it!). I feel a special connection to flowers... Some people may have bad memories with flowers; they are one of the most common gifts for the loss of a loved one and usually present at funerals... Others may not see the value in them; what purpose do they actually serve? Here is what they do for me...

Their spectacular earthy smell, the unbeatable splash of color in any room, and their elegant structure are some of the most common reasons for flowers being present in a home. For me, they serve as hope and simplicity. Coming into a room and seeing flowers immediately puts me at ease. These blossoms, which were previously growing on a larger stem and plant, are still beautiful. They hold their shape even though they are no longer connected to their root system. In some cases, they keep blooming for days and days. How is this possible? They are not receiving any more nutrients from their roots, other than a vase of water. They receive minimal sun, only that of artificial lights or the rays sneaking through windows. No insects (hopefully) will grace their petals and leaves. Essentially they are dying, their lives shortly coming to an end. Yet, they are still so magnificently beautiful....

The world these flowers knew is over as they knew it, yet they still blossom, bloom, and keep their fragrance. They display their beauty to the world around them showing just what they are made of. They are stripped down to nothing and they still shine. They don't know that their world is over, or if they do, they don't let the world know it... I want to be like a flower and seeing them gives me hope. Even in my darkest days, I want to bloom. I may see the end of the road that I am traveling on, but I will not act like it. I will hold my values and beliefs close to me while blossoming all along the way. I will be a flower for the world to see, be positive and strong through the ugliness of the world. Hold true to who I am, simple, a bud waiting to show its true colors!

 So buy flowers for people who are important to you with these thoughts in mind. Buy flowers for those that you may not like, it may brighten their day and give them hope... It would work on me!

(All photos were taken by Sarah Viafora.)

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