Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Reconnecting at "The Home of the World's Worst Weather"

This past weekend I went to NoCo. For those of you who don't know, NoCo is short for North Conway, a small town in northern New Hampshire of about 2,500 people. This area is known for it's ski resorts in the winter (Cranmore is a favorite of my family), but also offers great outdoor activities in the warm summer months. The great Mount Washington, "the home of the world's worst weather", boarders this town on one side. Mourt Washington is the largest mountain east of the Mississippi. Some of the fastest winds in the Northern Hemisphere were recorded on this peak. From far away in the winter seasons, this peak is snow capped and daunting. In the summer, the peak is green and lush.

On the other side of town, the Saco River twists and turns under covered bridges and through succulent plant life. Leaves covering some of the tallest pines to be seen in New England, ferns blanketing the ground and the mountains rising majestically toward the blue skies creates the most peaceful landscape for a float down its cool, calm waters.

What this weekend was really about was memorable times with great friends. Friday night was filled with Cards Against Humanity and pumpkin beer while floaties, moose statues, and crazy dance moves entertained all attendees from early Saturday afternoon until the wee hours of Sunday morning. Yes, this area is beautiful and relaxing, but what NoCo is really about it connecting with people. Sitting down around a table without the glow of phones while laughing, talking and really looking and listening to each other is a refreshing experience. Connecting in person rather than communicating through screens is invigorating and something that I truly cherish nowadays. Human connection...and some great hangover food from Boston Brother's Pizzeria.

Until next year NoCo, until next year!

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