Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Trust that an End is Followed by a Beginning

Free People Blog
I love new beginnings, fresh starts, new seasons, resets, a new chapter, turning a new page...whatever you like to call them, these times in our lives are filled with excitement and anticipation of the unknown. Personally, I am love with the beginning of a new season, more specifically Fall and Spring. They are great seasons that aren't unbearably hot or bitterly cold. They produce new color in the world and are monumental changes for those who change their closets over like I do. Who doesn't like walking through the leaves in new boots and a great sweater while sipping a great pumpkin spice latte, or running outside in fresh air with a sweatshirt and shorts first time in months? Oh, these are my favorite times of the year. I detest the cold, bitter Winter (excluding Christmas of course) and the hot, humid unbearable heat of Summer (unless I am on a beach with my toes in the sand). If only it could be Fall and Spring year-round.

Boston Common - September 2014
But then these seasons wouldn't be season. I honestly do not know if I would look forward to them like I do now if there wasn't a change in season. So let's think about beginnings carefully... Why do we really like them so much? They're a change, a shift of energy. It's typically something ngeative to something positive. Sorry to get all scientific on you, but this is an example of the world's equilibrium, balancing negative energy with positive experiences.

I mean, really. Think about it. Has there ever been a time when a beginning isn't preceded by something life-changing? This happened to me this past month. A co-worker and dear friend of mine decided that she needed a fresh start. After much consideration, she decided to move to a new city thousands of miles away; life-changing decision for her, professionally and personally. And a life-changing for me, her friend. I will now have to get used to not seeing her every day and possibly not even talking to her every day. A bittersweet ending...

Boston Calling - September 2014

Literally, the day she left was the beginning of Fall, which we have already established is my favorite season. Mix of emotions, but a new beginning. This past Monday may have been her last day in Boston, but it was the first day of Fall... My equilibrium was not affected. Yes, my life is still adjusting to life without my friend in the same city that I reside, but my favorite season is here and so are the pumpkin spice lattes.

So though life brings changes, and yes some can be life-altering, know and trust that an end is always followed by a beginning.

xoxo~ Sarah

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